Friday, October 2, 2015

Welcome to Sue Shroy Art Blog!

Hi! I decided to create this blog so that I could have a venue to share my work and reach out to others who might need encouragement in their own creative journey. The majority of artists that I know are employed in other disciplines, and have difficulty finding time to art.

My husband and I travel a lot.  With my busy schedule, I feel I can only find the time to do art when I travel, so I carry a very small art box with me and do quick works as I can fit them in between our other adventures.

The above sketch was a 20 minute drawing of Hotel de la Pagezie in Sarlat, France. I carried a watercolor paper postcard pad and fine-tipped ink pen in my purse, so it was with me everywhere I went. Later I would take the drawings back to my hotel room and lay down an ink wash to add dimension.

My goal for the rest of this year is to spend 20 minutes a day simply drawing in any medium to improve my drawing skills. This will hopefully prove as a foundation for me to produce some more serious works by the end of this year and prepare for a show by the end of next year.

Want to join me in my drawing challenge? Let's GO!