Sunday, December 6, 2015

My 20 minutes today...

...was spent dusting off my guitar, quickly tuning it, downloading a recording app and recording a song I wrote when I was 22 years old. Wow am I rusty! It was fun, though. I sent the music clip to my little sister (who was my singing buddy back in the day) even though the music was pretty terrible. The lyrics are cool, though, so hopefully was an encouragement to her. It is called "I am a Masterpiece," and is a reminder that WE ALL are Masterpieces, created by GOD to be exactly who we are. We can always try to live more Godly lives, but our personalities and physical bodies are "woven in the darkness of our mother's womb" and we are "skillfully and wonderfully made!"

So my encouragement to you is, be the best YOU that you can be. The world needs you.

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